Potičite raznolikost i udobnost ljudi



Kvaliteta zraka u zatvorenom prostoru

Kao mjerilo čistoće zraka u uredima i njegovog potencijalnog utjecaja na zdravlje i udobnost osoba u tom prostoru, kvaliteta zraka u zatvorenom prostoru ključna je stavka za poboljšanje ukupne razine zdravlja i udobnosti. U tvrtki Konica Minolta predani smo aktivnom poboljšanju radnog okruženja naših klijenata i stvaranju prostora u kojem se mogu usredotočiti na osnovne djelatnosti. Sigurnost i učinkovitost ključne su mjere rješenja za čisti zrak tvrtke Konica Minolta. Tvrtka je razvila posebne filtre za različite uredske sustave koji osiguravaju veliko smanjenje emisija uz održavanje protoka zraka u obuhvaćenim uređajima. Klijenti također mogu poboljšati vlastitu kvalitetu zraka u zatvorenom prostoru, što je ključni čimbenik ta razinu zdravlja, udobnosti i produktivnosti osoblja. 


Univerzalan dizajn
Our customers benefit from providing an inclusive working environment that is accessible to anyone, regardless of their age, body size or special needs. Our products are easy to reach, simple to operate, and logical in both design and convenience. This makes it possible for our customers to enhance the level of diversity amongst their staff. 

To find out more about user accessibility and visibility



Social Innovation
Konica Minolta proactively addresses the challenges involved in global sustainability by incorporating state-of-the-art digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics into its core technologies. The company is working to transform its business so that it focuses on providing solutions to pressing global issues. This transformation not only contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), but also helps enrich the lives of the individuals who make up society.

To find out more about Social Innovations at Konica Minolta

Gender diversity in the IT business
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe collaborates with an NGO to run a capacity-building project supporting women building careers in the IT industry. The project aims to attract, select and support women and girls in the IT business, with the goal of helping them access the job market, learn the basics, find a job, or found a start-up. Initially launched in the Czech Republic in August 2015, the project was expanded to include Germany the following year, and has also been set up in Poland and Austria in the past financial year.

Usluge za održivost

Konica Minolta is committed to sustainability. We also support our customers as they work to achieve their sustainability goals. See below for further details of our sustainability services.

Poboljšana kvaliteta zraka u zatvorenom prostoru

Indoor air is perceived as being directly linked to better health and wellbeing. The quality of our indoor environment can affect both comfort and productivity. Konica Minolta is committed to improving its customers' individual work environments by offering sustainable, effective solutions that help our customers optimise the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in their working space. The benefits of this include:

  • Lets Konica Minolta monitor and improve air quality, so you can concentrate on core skills
  • Maximises your efficiency in reducing emissions
  • Specifically designed for Konica Minolta devices
  • Lasts a lifetime (of the device), so no need for exchange or replacement

Konica Minolta collaborates with a wide range of reliable and competent project partners to provide dedicated filter devices for different office systems, ensuring high emissions reduction. Filter solutions, measured by Blue Angel certifications, reduce copier particle emissions by up to 98%.Tvrtka Konica Minolta surađuje s velikim brojem pouzdanih i kompetentnih projektnih partnera kako bi za različite uredske sustave osigurala namjenske uređaje za filtriranje koji omogućuju veliku redukciju emisija. Rješenja za filtriranje, ocijenjena certifikacijom Blue Angel, smanjuju emisiju čestica uređaja za kopiranje do 98 %.

  • The Standard Air Cleaning Unit
    • Reduces emissions by at least 90%
    • Already standard in latest Konica Minolta devices
  • The Optional Air Cleaning Unit
    • Reduces emissions by between 82% and 97%
    • Two different filters used for Konica Minolta devices



For further details, please see our information materials.